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Li Yansong visits key enterprises and projects and will do it immediately in case of trouble.

Release time:2023-01-07 Page View:94order

Li Yansong stressed when visiting key enterprises and projects and working on site.

Hold back one's strength to concentrate on development and solve difficult problems.

Do something immediately and sincerely serve the enterprises and projects.

On the morning of January 7, Li Yansong, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, visited key enterprises and projects and worked on the spot to solve practical problems. He stressed that enterprises and projects are the strength for Daqing to achieve an overall improvement in economic operation. It is necessary to comprehensively implement the arrangements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, implement the requirements for the work of leading cadres, strengthen the service orientation of "doing it right away," go deep into the production front lines of enterprises and the construction sites of projects, grasp development, solve difficult problems and do practical things, and show a new atmosphere in serving enterprises and projects.

As a local backbone enterprise in our city, Yixin Chemical Industry is actively seeking listing. Li Yansong had a detailed understanding of the progress of the listing of enterprises, and asked about the current difficulties that needed to be coordinated and solved by the government.According to the list of problems listed by the enterprises, the "point will" identify the responsible persons on the spot, and demanded that the solutions be studied immediately. Li Yansong stressed: government service enterprises must give prominence to "speed," and what can be solved today must not be put off until tomorrow. All counties, districts and departments should further improve the communication mechanism, be a good "waiter" and "liaison", efficiently solve the problems of listing, financing, employment, and raw materials, and help enterprises quickly get out of difficulties, create wealth, and become bigger and stronger. Ensure that enterprises have voices and needs, and the government has responses and actions.

Although the Spring Festival is approaching, the site of the Hanguang New Materials Project is still a busy scene of rumbling construction.

Li Yansong had in-depth exchanges with the person in charge of the enterprise to understand the progress of construction and the guarantee of government services, and asked what difficulties still exist.

The person in charge of the enterprise said: "the government is the first time to help solve the problems encountered in the construction. Daqing has a good business environment and we are full of drive. We are now mobilizing other entrepreneurs to celebrate the investment."

After hearing the praise of enterprises for the government's franchise service, Li Yansong said that serving enterprise projects is the government's duty. There is no best, only better.

It is hoped that enterprises will strengthen their confidence in development and that if any problems are raised in a timely manner, the government will make every effort to solve them.

Li Yansong stressed that there are no bystanders in the development of Daqing.

The plenary meeting of the municipal government that has just been held has once again made clear the work orientation of "paying attention to implementation." if government departments at all levels, especially leading cadres, want to take package joint enterprises as the top priority in grasping development, they must see actions and measures, and they must try their best to work hard on economic projects, sincerely help enterprises solve difficult problems, and lead Daqing out of the post-epidemic era as soon as possible.

Li Yansong also came to Daqing Petrochemical Company to investigate the situation of the temporary carbon dioxide capture project and communicate with Yu Qiang, party committee secretary of the petrochemical company.

Tian Dawen attended.

Production / Daqing Daily News (Financial Media) Center.

Reporter / Yang Shuguang and Zhang Zenghui.

Editor / Cao Pengyun.

Audit / Ding Hebin.

Producer Supervisor / Jia overtime

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