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[show elegant demeanor] fight the epidemic with one heart: non-public enterprises are in action

Release time:2022-09-05 Page View:68order

I am involved in the war against "plague".

I am in the fight against the epidemic with one heart.

-- non-public enterprises are in action.

The Municipal Association of individual and Private Enterprises issued a proposal in the mainstream media to guide private entrepreneurs to shoulder their social responsibilities bravely and collect donations from the vast number of non-public enterprises to support the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Daqing Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd. donated 8000 sets of protective clothing, 96000 N95 masks, 800 cases of mineral water and all kinds of food, with a total value of more than 500,000 yuan. Daqing Prouo Petroleum Technology Co., Ltd. donated 200000 yuan to the Red Cross to fight the epidemic. 25 tons of rice, 25 tons of potatoes, 50 tons of onions; 3300 cases of beer donated by Daqing Delenburg Beer Co., Ltd., a part-time vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, valued at 148500 yuan.

Let Hulu District Maidao Food Co., Ltd. donate bread, moon cakes and other food to front-line staff, worth 120000 yuan; Zhaoyuan County Grain Industry Chamber of Commerce, Liaoning Zhe Han Jia Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Bailesco supermarket, Lindian High-tech Petroleum Machinery repair Factory and other enterprises donated sweet potatoes, corn, vegetables and other materials, worth more than 100,000 yuan; Daqing Yuming Highway maintenance Engineering Co., Ltd. donated 50,000 yuan of guaranteed supplies.

Zhaoyuan County Federation of Industry and Commerce part-time Vice Chairman Enterprise, Zhaoyuan Catfish ditch Group donated 9500 vegetable boxes worth 40, 000 yuan, Daqing Hendry Petroleum Technical Service Co., Ltd. donated 20, 000 yuan. Shijin Xiangyu Technology Co., Ltd. called on its employees to strictly abide by the regulations on epidemic prevention and control, actively participate in voluntary service, and increase 100 yuan in voluntary subsidies for volunteers involved in epidemic prevention.

The virus is ruthless and there is love in the world.

The vast number of non-public enterprises in the city actively responded to the call of the municipal party committee and municipal government, consciously fulfilled their social responsibilities, conveyed love and warmth, took multiple measures to ensure the smooth flow of material channels, and made concerted efforts to build a solid barrier for the prevention and control of the epidemic, so as to contribute non-public forces to the city's victory over the epidemic.

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