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Qingshang Qingyou | Qingshang resources are transformed into Daqing's development advantages.

Release time:2023-08-17 Page View:82order

The local accent is the most beautiful voice.

The feeling of hometown is the deepest concern.

Daqing Enterpriser Development Conference.

And the inaugural meeting of the Celebration Business Association.

To the "bond" with Daqing.

Entrepreneurs send out invitations.

Talk about the friendship of the hometown.

Seek common cooperation and development.

Elites from all walks of life at home and abroad were invited to attend the meeting.

Jointly depict a better tomorrow in Daqing.

A big project.

A point of growth.

A developmental pole

Jiangsu Xuzhou Haitian Petrochemical Group.

Daqing invests in two major projects.

Haiding New material Technology Co., Ltd.

Has been successfully put into production.

Petrochemical products continue to be shipped to the domestic market.

In Linyuan Chemical Industry Park, High-tech Zone.

Heilongjiang Zhongfei Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

Annual comprehensive utilization project of 1.5 million tons of alkanes.

Construction is being accelerated.

Funds 2000 kilometers away.

Continue to gather in Daqing.

Build and develop Daqing

Xie Fei, Chairman of Heilongjiang Zhongfei Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

I hope we can really take root and devote ourselves to the urban development of Daqing.

We will use 1.5 million tons of alkanes imported from Russia as raw materials for the next step of processing, which is also the development of a new industrial chain for Daqing City.

A large number of Russian energy sources, including crude oil, naphtha, various condensates, methanol and other liquid chemicals, have been introduced into Daqing as important raw materials for Daqing petrochemical industry to take off in the future.

"transferred to Daqing" from Liaoning in 2010.

Establish a wholly owned subsidiary in 2019.

Daqing Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd.

Take root in Daqing and develop rapidly

Liu Xiao, Chairman of Daqing Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd.

In 2020, we will undertake the raw material of 280000 tons of mixed xylene from Daqing oil head and tail, and undertake the production of o-xylene. We are planning to do the third phase of the project, the comprehensive utilization of 1.2 million tons of naphtha, mainly producing aromatics, olefins, alkanes, methanol and other chemical products. For the upstream and downstream industrial chain value-added extension to a promotion.

In the process of building industrial clusters.

Enhance competitiveness.

In promoting transformation and innovation.

Thick planting driving force.

In the practice of social responsibility.

Expand influence.

There is a direction for entrepreneurs from other cities to return to their hometown to start a business.

Local entrepreneurs are full of confidence.

Gu Faming, Chairman of Jiangsu Hanguang Industrial Co., Ltd.

I have been in Daqing for more than 20 years, and I have already regarded Daqing as my second hometown.

Basically, Daqing has good conditions for attracting investment and a good government. Second, Daqing has a good business environment, a good advantage in resources, a good advantage in talent, and a good advantage in technology. These three points are not available in other cities.

Ning Guangliang, founder of Daqing Site Technology.

Star Technology is a home-grown enterprise in Daqing with products all over the world.

Today's achievements are inseparable from the strong support and help of the municipal party committee, the municipal government, the high-tech zone, and the propaganda department.

The good business environment has left us here.

We are also willing to introduce Daqing's good business environment to the whole country and even the whole world, attract more high-quality projects and enterprises to settle in Daqing, and jointly promote the high-quality development of Daqing's strategic emerging industries.

Zhang Xuesong, Chairman of Daqing Laojie Agricultural products Co., Ltd.

I think it also sends a very good signal to the development of our local private enterprises, and it also gives us a kind of driving force to do our own local enterprises and local brands well.

Through the development of our enterprises, we can better develop local brands and increase farmers' income, which is also a part of our local enterprises.

Strong feeling of Sangzi.

Gather new kinetic energy.

"Iron Man is a well."

Shining with the spirit of the Iron Man.

The racing town continues to release.

The vigor and vitality of the city.

The waterfront greenway refracts.

The deep imprint of Daqing's transformation

The great change of "hometown"

Surprise everyone.

The development of "hometown"

Get everyone's attention.

The Future of "hometown"

Rely on the common description of all "Daqing people"

That heavy feeling and friendship of the country.

Those valuable resources for celebrating business.

Continue to transform into.

The New momentum of Daqing's Development

contact information

address:No. 6 Haotuo Road, Hongwei Park, Ranghulu District, Daqing City


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