Stock code:836127

Fire safety focuses on prevention

Release time:2017-05-24 Page View:81order

In order to make all the employees of the company understand the basic knowledge of fire control, improve their awareness of safety prevention, enhance their ability of self-protection, master the skills of responding to and escaping from sudden fires, and learn to put out fires and evacuate people and property in an orderly manner, to ensure the safety of employees' lives and property, a fire control field exercise was organized at 15:00 on May 19th, 2017.

The leaders of the company attached great importance to the exercise and gave great care, support and help in all stages from the revision of the emergency plan, preparation, organization and implementation to the formal exercise.

Comrade Mou Jinfu, executive deputy general manager, also personally arranged the exercise work, personally conducted command at the exercise site, issued drill orders, observed the exercise situation, and exercised overall control over the exercise work.

After this fire drill, it has not only improved the employees' safety awareness, but also further enhanced the employees' awareness of prevention and the ability of self-rescue, and understood and mastered the basic operations such as how to identify dangers and how to take necessary emergency measures. in order to achieve fast, orderly, timely and effective results in accidents.

We will regularly carry out fire knowledge training and emergency drills to improve our branch staff's emergency rescue skills and comprehensive quality of emergency response, effectively reduce accident hazards and reduce accident losses. to ensure the safe, healthy and orderly development of the company.

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