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Leaders of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology visited Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd.

Release time:2019-09-15 Page View:74order

On September 5, 2019, 11 people, including Zhang Xiaodan and Guo Changyi, members of the standing Committee of the Provincial people's Congress, visited our Yixin production base in Daqing to study the implementation of a new round of three-year action plan for science and technology enterprises. 
Chairman Liu Xiao, General Manager Mou Jinfu, Zhao Yufeng and R & D staff received them warmly.

Under the leadership of Chairman Liu Xiao, the leaders of the Provincial Science and Technology Department visited the construction of the Leropos plant in the second phase of Yixin Chemical Industry, and gave a detailed explanation on the construction and development of the second phase.

Provincial leaders have pointed out some suggestions and opinions to this end, hoping that the company can be further promoted in the future development.


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