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Vice Governor Cheng Zhiming came to celebrate the investigation, accompanied by he Zhonghua.

Release time:2020-10-29 Page View:76order

Cheng Zhiming came to Qingqing to investigate the requirements of the construction of 100 major projects. 

Vigorously push key industrial projects to put into production, expand capacity and increase efficiency.

Make Daqing contribution to the positive economic growth of the whole province.

Accompanied by he Zhonghua.

From October 27 to 29, Vice Governor Cheng Zhiming came to celebrate to investigate the construction of 100 major projects. He fully affirmed the new changes and achievements made in the construction of major projects and key industries in Daqing, and hoped to further implement the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and provincial government, concentrate on fighting a decisive battle in the fourth quarter, and strive to promote the production, expansion, capacity and efficiency of industrial projects, and make Daqing contributions to the positive economic growth of the province this year.

Land enterprise leaders he Zhonghua, Wang Yimin, Jiang Guohua, and Yan Xiangsen accompanied respectively. Han Xuesong, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and Jiang Baoguo, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, participated in the survey.

Cheng Zhiming respectively went deep into Daqing Refining and Chemical paraffin Wax, Comprehensive Utilization of waste Ore Oil from Larry, Daqing Petrochemical Refining structure Adjustment and upgrading, Yitai Gallium arsenide Wafer, Dragon Oil Petrochemical 550, Zhitao Sanitary porcelain and Senlan Intelligent bathroom production, solid Oil equipment Manufacturing, Shengquan Biomass Refining Integration, Daqing Golden Gong Soybean protein isolate and other project sites and enterprise workshops. Everywhere he goes, Cheng Zhiming earnestly inquires about the progress of the project construction, understands in detail what are the other difficulties, and encourages projects under construction to be completed and put into production as scheduled, and to step up the organization of production.

Cheng Zhiming stressed.

Daqing industry plays an important role in the whole province, with regular industry accounting for almost half of the country, while Daqing industry is stable while Longjiang industry is stable. Since the beginning of this year, in the face of the influence of multiple superimposed factors such as COVID-19 's epidemic situation and the fluctuation of international oil prices, Daqing has thoroughly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and persisted in the joint efforts of land and enterprises to promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. The industrial economy has shown a trend of accelerating recovery quarter by quarter, especially a large number of key industrial projects such as newly planned and introduced "oil head into tail". The construction speed is fast, the quality effect is good, the industry chain upstream and downstream drive ability is strong, the cultivation savings has formed the transformation revitalization industry new momentum, the achievement is not easy to come by. At present, it has entered the sprint period of annual task goals. It is hoped that Daqing will withstand the pressure, overcome difficulties, and take advantage of the situation to further grasp the key work such as the construction of 100 major projects, and focus on the hard task of achieving positive growth. we will invert the progress of the standard and table, implement detailed measures, provide services for project construction in a timely manner, solve problems, and promote early completion, early commissioning, and early efficiency.

Reporter / Li Decheng and Wang Yiwen.

Production / Daqing Daily News (Financial Media) Center.

Editor / Cao Pengyun.

Audit / Wang Yiwen, Zhou Xueying.

Producer Supervisor / Jia overtime.

High-end hotline / 0459-6696605

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