Stock code:836127

Pursue ceaselessly, study endlessly

Release time:2017-06-23 Page View:74order

Never too old to learn is the way for us to realize our self-consciousness and self-transcendence, and it is also the most fundamental source of our unique creativity.

In our Yixin shares, leaders pay special attention to the importance of learning and organize in-depth study and training in various departments such as safety, operation, quality control and maintenance according to the characteristics of the enterprise. regularly organize personnel to study in the company conference room at 16:00 every Saturday afternoon to better improve the professionalism of employees.

We are fully aware that the current competition among enterprises is more and more manifested in the competition of the quality of employees. Only people with high quality can have high-quality enterprises.

The high quality of employees depends to a large extent on their learning ability.

Our company actively promotes its business philosophy, earnestly strengthens the development and management of human resources, pays attention to improving employees' learning ability and practical ability, and strives to improve their innovative ability. to create a good environment for respect for labor, knowledge, talent and creation, and to form an atmosphere and mechanism for whole-staff learning, whole-process learning, team learning and learning.

It is necessary to establish a concept and mechanism of continuous learning, strive to create a good learning environment, enhance employees' awareness and ability of self-learning, and make learning knowledge, the pursuit of development and self-improvement become the inherent self-conscious requirements of workers. in the enterprise to form a strong team learning atmosphere, and encourage employees to transform learning ability into creative ability, so as to achieve the goal of common development of employees and enterprises.

Yixin people always adhere to the spirit of continuous pursuit and learning, with this spirit, we will be able to make Yixin's future longer, more stable and better!

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