Stock code:836127

Yixin culture

Release time:2017-06-28 Page View:72order

"Yixin Yixin, unite as one; Yixin Yixin, its benefits break gold!"

Just sixteen words, covering our Yixin corporate culture and spirit.

These sixteen characters are the soul of Yixin enterprise, and it is precisely because of such excellent corporate culture that our enterprise can be in an invincible position in the fierce market competition.

In today's fierce market competition, enterprises want better and longer-term development, and corporate culture plays a more and more important role. The leaders of our Yixin Company realized this truth a long time ago. In the process of guiding Yixin forward, our chairman and general manager constantly instilled this kind of corporate culture and spirit for us, making each of our employees understand that unity and cooperation is the basis for the success of all undertakings.

Only by relying on the strength of unity, the individual and the collective can combine the wishes of the individual with the goals of the team, transcend the limitations of the individual, and play a collective cooperative role.

A person who lacks the spirit of cooperation is not only difficult to make achievements in his career, it is difficult to meet the needs of the development of the times, but also difficult to remain invincible in the fierce competition.

The leaders of the company have implemented a series of practical and effective measures to do a good job in team building, gather the strength of the team and promote the continuous development of the company.

Together, this force can split the obstacles ahead and reach the other side of the ideal.

I believe that such an enterprise with talent and culture will be invincible in the future market competition and move forward bravely!

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address:No. 6 Haotuo Road, Hongwei Park, Ranghulu District, Daqing City


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