Stock code:836127

Yixin shares wish you a prosperous year, a smooth career and a steady stream of money!

Release time:2018-02-13 Page View:78order

Joy is accompanied by sweat, success with hardship.

We send 2017 away with full enthusiasm, and we will usher in a promising 2018 with a new attitude.

On the occasion of the Spring Festival, Mr. Liu Xiao, chairman of Daqing Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd., to express heartfelt thanks and sincere wishes to all colleagues, family members, friends and cooperative customers from all walks of life who have paid hard work and silent contribution to the development of the company.

As the New year in 2018 is approaching, I wish you all: happy and auspicious New year for Wang Dog; Wang Dog Wangwang, prosperous career; Wang Dog rolling, money rolling; Wang Dog jumping, good luck shining; Wang Dog happy, Ruyi peace; Wang Dog praying for happiness and family happiness!

Prosperous year, Wangwang!

The new year opens new hopes, and new journeys carry new dreams.

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