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September 18: remember history, do not forget national humiliation!

Release time:2019-09-18 Page View:72order

Don't forget the national humiliation and remember the martyrs.

On the night of September 18, 1931, under the arrangement of the Japanese Kwantung Army, the railway "garrison" blew up the Japanese-built Nanman railway track near Lake Liutiao in Shenyang and planted the blame on the Chinese army.

The Japanese used this as an excuse to bombard the Shenyang Beidaying for the "September 18 incident."

The next day, the Japanese invaded Shenyang.

In February 1932, the whole of Northeast China fell.

Since then, Japan established a puppet regime of Manchuria in northeast China. 
Began to enslave and colonize the people of Northeast China for 14 years. 
From 1931 to 1945, most of China was trampled under the iron feet of the Japanese army. 
More than 930 cities were occupied. 
42 million refugees are homeless. 
The Japanese snatched 33.5 million tons of steel from China. 
586 million tons of coal. 
173 tragedies of more than 800 civilian casualties caused by the Japanese army. 
More than 35 million compatriots were killed or injured.

Don't forget the national humiliation and rejuvenate China.

The sound of guns on September 18 shook the whole land of China, awakened the Chinese people, and aroused the anti-Japanese anger of the whole Chinese people.

People from all walks of life in various places have called for resistance against Japan and opposed the non-resistance doctrine of the Kuomintang government.

The people of Northeast China rose up to resist and launched the guerrilla war against Japan, and the Northeast volunteers and other anti-Japanese armed forces appeared one after another.

Don't forget the national humiliation, we will strengthen ourselves.

On September 18, 1991, the Chinese government opened the September 18 History Museum in Shenyang.

Since 1995, Shenyang has sounded air defense sirens for three minutes every year on the evening of September 18; at present, more than 100 cities have chosen to sound air defense sirens on September 18 every year to warn the public not to forget national humiliation.

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