Stock code:836127

Yixin joins you in sending the most beautiful wishes to the motherland.

Release time:2019-10-01 Page View:73order

With the advance of time, we ushered in the memorable day of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China.

All the staff of Yixin are jubilant and full of pride to feel the brilliant achievements made in the past 70 years since the founding of New China, and are full of infinite blessings to the motherland.

70 years of Spring and Autumn, ups and downs, cast today's glory!

All the staff of Yixin like the motherland!

All the staff of Yixin cheer for the motherland!

May the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the motherland be a complete success!

Also wish us Yixin steady development!

Keep on going!

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