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Chinese Dream's Beauty of Labor-- winning the well-off struggle with me

Release time:2020-07-15 Page View:78order

Hello, everyone. I am Liu Xiao, chairman of Daqing Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd. The title of my speech today is "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty-winning well-off, struggle with me."

In the Spring Festival of 2020, COVID-19 's epidemic occurred suddenly, and all aspects of the social economy were forced to press the "pause button".

While the people of the whole country are fighting against the "epidemic", Daqing Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd. actively lend a helping hand and join in this common war "epidemic" by donating materials.

On February 29, 2020, I led Mr. Mou Jinfu, General Manager of Daqing Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd., to the Management Committee of Daqing High-tech Zone. And donated 500jin of alcohol, 1000 disposable medical masks, 100N95 masks and 50 sets of medical protective clothing to the management committee of the high-tech zone.

And repeatedly donated materials to the Daqing Branch of Kunlun Bank Co., Ltd., to ensure normal operation during the epidemic.

Since I took office in Yixin, with rich leadership experience, with a high sense of professionalism and sense of responsibility, I have devoted myself to the management of Yixin enterprise.

Under my leadership, Yixin's business and sales have increased year by year, from the initial annual sales of 200 million yuan to the current annual sales of 850 million yuan, making Yixin a major taxpayer in the high-tech zone.

"Innovation for development" is my management characteristic, and the fundamental significance of innovation is to have the courage to break through the limitations of enterprises, get rid of outdated old systems and methods, and under existing conditions, create more new systems and measures that meet the needs of the market, stay ahead of the trend of the times and win fierce market competition.

I fully integrated this special management concept and management characteristics into Yixin Company, and achieved good results in concept innovation, management innovation, product innovation and technological innovation one by one in the past few years.

In 2016, he personally served as the director of the R & D department, focusing on R & D work.

In order to ensure the healthy development of the enterprise and prepare for the construction of the second phase of waste mineral oil comprehensive utilization project, Yixin Company has established its own research and development project, which has studied 173 invention patents and utility model patents, which are being declared in batches.

I make full use of the training and meeting time to set up the idea of "safety first, benefit second". Under the leadership of the company's board of directors, I am determined to forge ahead, pioneer and innovate, and organically combine safety and benefit together. so that all aspects of work have made new progress, truly safe production without accidents at the same time, the company's efficiency is also increasing year by year, annual taxes for local governments are more than 10 million yuan.

As an excellent enterprise manager, I always keep consistent with the policies of my superiors, have a strong sense of responsibility, be serious and responsible for production safety and make unremitting efforts.

Decent, strict self-discipline, has made a great contribution to the innovation and development of Yixin Company.

"the meritorious service is only the ambition, the industry is broad but diligent".

Labor is the source of wealth and happiness.

A well-off society will not fall from the sky, and Chinese Dream will not realize it automatically. in the face of the opportunities and challenges of economic development entering a new normal, and in the face of a new era and a new journey, I never retreat and have the courage to accept the challenges. in 2017, we registered a wholly-owned subsidiary "Heilongjiang Laireps Environmental Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd." to carry out the "100000 t / a waste Mineral Oil Hydrogenation Comprehensive Utilization Project", with a total investment of 250 million yuan.

Covering a total area of 5.8 hectares, it is also the second enterprise in Daqing City to enjoy the reform policy of investment project commitment system.

The 100000 t / a waste mineral oil hydrogenation comprehensive utilization project, as one of the backbone projects of "oil head and tail" and one of the strategic emerging industrial projects in our city's "100 projects" in 2019, will be put into production at the end of 2020. Waste mineral oil can be converted into lube base oil, "turning waste into treasure" gold mining circular economy, broad market prospects, strong competitiveness and large profit space.

The design capacity of the project is the comprehensive utilization of 100000 tons of waste mineral oil every year, and the full power can be released to about 140000 tons every year. The whole Yixin Chemical Industry has an annual output value of 2 billion yuan and profits and taxes of about 100 million yuan. Yixin Chemical Industry will enter the fast track of the development of science and technology and environmental protection industry.

By 2025, Yixin Chemical Industry will be completely transformed into a scientific and technological environment-friendly enterprise, when it will start the lubricating oil blending project and produce its own brand lubricating oil industry chain, so that the recovery, treatment and sale of waste lubricating oil will be carried out in a closed loop.

I not only do a good job in the company's business, but also actively return to the community, participate in public welfare activities many times, and make contributions to social public welfare undertakings.

As a laborer of the new era, leading everyone to pursue their own value, at the same time, let the labourers get their due dignity, which is not only the necessity of the times, but also the product of the continuous progress of human social civilization, but also the most beautiful Chinese voice and story.

I hope our Yixin will be more brilliant tomorrow, and I also hope my Chinese Dream will be the most beautiful!

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address:No. 6 Haotuo Road, Hongwei Park, Ranghulu District, Daqing City


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