Stock code:836127

[commendation meeting] live up to your time, live up to yourself, thank you for your excellence!

Release time:2022-01-22 Page View:85order

Time flies, time flies. 
Another year has passed. 
Work hard, unite and work hard. 
In this year, 
What kind of papers did we hand in? 
Which groups and individuals have been commended? 
This commendation meeting will be revealed for you one by one.

In order to sum up the achievements and encourage the advanced.

On the morning of January 21, Daqing Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd. held a grand summary and commendation meeting for 2021 in the Sunshine Office Hall to commend the advanced collectives and individuals who made outstanding achievements in all kinds of work in 2021.

The meeting was attended by Chairman Liu Xiao, Deputy General Manager Zhao Yufeng, Security Director Zhang Dianwu, sales Director Song Mingming, Logistics supply chain Director Wang Zonghou and staff of all departments of the company, and presided over by Li Hongxu, Director of the Administration Department.

At the meeting, Deputy General Manager Zhao Yufeng and Safety Director Zhang Dianwu read out the recognition decision of the advanced collectives and individuals of Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd in 2021, and awarded the honorary title of "excellent employees, excellent teams and excellent managers" to the advanced collectives and individuals with outstanding performance in 2021.

The chairman of the board and leaders at all levels will issue prizes and certificates to outstanding employees.

Excellent employees: Yi Jiuzhen, Yuan Jinming, Li Zhong, Yao he, Li Wenyuan and Yang Enquan came to the stage to receive the award.

Outstanding employees: sun Zhaoning, Luo Zhiwen, Liu Yang, Duan Yingchun, Zhang Jingjun, Zhao Guangde took the stage to receive the award.

Outstanding employees: Li Xiuyan, Yu Dongmei, Shi Yue, Wang Jinling, Xu Xiaojing and Jin Lei took the stage to receive the award.

Outstanding employees: Zhang Yu, Zhang Zhixin, Cao Hongwei and Xiao Liang took the stage to receive the award.

Excellent managers: Li Hongcai, Jiang Chongxin, Wen Lianping and Li Yunling came to the stage to receive the award.

Excellent team: yuan Jinming team, Yang Guixin team, Zhao Guangde Li Zhifeng team, electromechanical equipment team representatives came to the stage to receive the award.

The chairman made an annual summary of the past and made arrangements for the new year. Finally, the chairman issued important instructions from relevant units and government departments in the near future, emphasizing the importance of production safety.

The company is actively preparing for the listing of the Beijing Stock Exchange, encouraging employees to work actively and establish a sense of ownership.

Praise the smooth operation of the production department and study it carefully.

The storage and transportation department takes the lead in taking the lead and is willing to work steadily.

Laboratory measurement is conscientious and down-to-earth.

The Finance Department is careful and serious to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

The sales department expands the market and makes progress actively.

The alarm bell of the Ministry of Security and Environmental Protection is always ringing and meticulous.

Logistics Department is pioneering and enterprising and perfect.

Hope that the above commended staff teams and managers will continue their efforts to achieve better results in the future and contribute to the better development of the company.

Flowers are similar year after year, but people are different from year to year.

The past year has gone with the eastward flow of water, and the bright New year has arrived with the habitual south wind.

In the new year, all the staff of Yixin shares will closely focus on the overall situation of production safety development in the area, consolidate their responsibilities, make up for their shortcomings, correct their original intentions, forge ahead, and provide better product quality for enterprise development and enterprise construction.

In 2022, I sincerely wish Yixin shares to rewrite Huazhang and create resplendence!

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