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The word "steady" in the quality inspection department should hold fast to the bottom line of safety.

Release time:2022-04-18 Page View:78order

In April, the quality Inspection Department adhered to the general tone of safety work of "making progress in the midst of stability". By learning from the educated people, taking the case as a reference, and taking investigation as a way to firmly adhere to the bottom line of safety, the quality Inspection Department carried the idea of "stability" throughout the whole process of safety work and promoted the safety development of the workshop in all directions. 
Use "culture" to cultivate people and grasp safety. 
The quality Inspection Department revolves around the production and operation of the company, carry out safety commitment, "anti-slackness, anti-paralysis, anti-accident" discussion, "safety first", safety knowledge questions, safety and environmental protection production "golden ideas" solicitation, safety propaganda, and other activities, through the written examination of vocational skills, operation process practice examination, etc., to further enhance the safety awareness and technical ability of all employees. 
Internalize and externalize the safety development concept that "safety development is the only way for high-quality development", enhance the leading force of safety culture, and provide cultural support for safety production. 
Recently, the quality inspection department of our unit has passed the vocational skill grade examination of "1x" standard and obtained the certificate. 
Take the "case" as an example to promote safety. 
Organize employees to watch the "Chemical Enterprise accident case warning Education Film" and "Chemical Enterprise Safety production Operation rules" video, learn the typical cases in the same industry issued by the company's Safety and Environmental Protection Department, and guide employees to learn from the accident lessons. have a good safety warning education "the first lesson". 
According to the accident cases, the post staff talk about their understanding and experience, examine the shortcomings and sticking points in safety thinking, operation behavior, work style and so on, and make clear the direction of future efforts and formulate rectification measures. continue to enhance the whole staff to do a good job of safety and environmental protection work sense of urgency, sense of responsibility, sense of mission. 
To "check" to keep it safe. 
Practice the concept of safety first in economic development, adhere to the overall work idea of "putting risks in front of hidden dangers and hidden dangers before accidents", based on the front of the pass and the promotion of coupling, and solidly carry out large-scale investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in production safety. "100 days to attack key problems" concentrated action, compared with the contents of the renovation, we will comprehensively carry out blanket, dragging and rolling large-scale investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, focusing on risks, hidden dangers and special rectification. 
We will resolutely control and correct violations of laws and regulations, investigate and rectify major risks and hidden dangers, effectively prevent and resolutely curb all kinds of production safety accidents, and create a good environment for production safety throughout the year.

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